• October 2024 New Intensive Japanese Course
  • Slider 04
  • Slider04-reasons


  • Updated career pathway results for 2023.

    We have updated our ‘Career Pathways’ for the fiscal year 2023. Both those pursuing further educat […]

    Jun 20,2024
  • Admission for January 2025

    We are accepting applications for January Term 2025, regarding study in Japan with a student visa. Since appli […]

    Jun 06,2024
  • Short-Term Japanese Conversation Course for Beginners

    Join our 3-week special Japanese conversation course! Enjoy interactive morning sessions to enhence your Japan […]

    Apr 04,2024
  • 2024 Summer Course

    This is a package course that combines “Japanese language lessons” with “sightseeing and cul […]

    Jan 25,2024
  • Course Schedule in 2024


    Please click to see our Course Schedule in 2024 of each school.

    Jan 24,2024
  • 2024 Spring Course

    2024 spring course

    We are looking for students for a 3-week spring course starting in April. You can study Japanese. What’s more, […]

    Dec 22,2023
  • ARC App Registration Promotion

    <Eligibility Period: Until January 31, 2024.> A chance for waiving the entrance fee (10,000yen)♪ Those who reg […]

    Nov 07,2023
  • ARC App Registration Promotion

    <Eligibility Period: Until January 31, 2024.> We offer a 3,000yen Amazon gift card to those who refer new stud […]

    Nov 07,2023
  • Notice for tuition fee’s revision from year 2024

    ARC Academy Shinjuku School has always strived for efficiency and cost reduction , but due to the recent gener […]

    Jul 05,2023
  • Graduation ceremony

    On March 11th, the graduation ceremony was held at school this year. We had the ceremony multiple times with a […]

    Mar 31,2022

The Schools

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