Classes on Japanese culture and modern society were very interesting


Study Abroad Course Business Japanese Class (Shibuya)

I entered Arc Academy’s Study Abroad course and I am now staying in Japan under a working visa after graduation.

Thanks to ARC Academy Business Class, I was able to improve my language skills as well as acquire the Japanese language needed for finding work in Japan and for business conversation. Also, classes on Japanese culture and modern society were very interesting and I was able to learn a lot from it.

I would like to recommend ARC Academy to those who would like to improve their Japanese language skills, those who aim to work in Japan, or those who would like to understand the Japanese culture.

Grazie al corso di giapponese business presso la ARC Academy ho avuto modo di apprendere tutte quelle espressioni inerenti al mondo del lavoro giapponese utili per colloqui lavorativi e conversazioni di tipo aziendale. Inoltre, ho potuto studiare ed approfondire concetti inerenti sia alla cultura lavorativa che alla società giapponese in generale, nozioni estremamente utili per la ricerca del lavoro e per la permanenza in Giappone.

Employed by a company that imports and sells building material